It's been a while. I was in a bit of disarray over the summer, so I neglected my blogging duties. Anyway, here is the main piece that I didn't upload to my blog - Vigilante Origin. It's my response to a sequential image brief. They are each 12cm by 12cm. Created using pencil, pen, card, paper, scissors knife and glue.
I'm pretty proud of them, but they do look more impressive close up and in real life. I feel like they may have been stronger using colour, but I made the choice to go black and white for a graphic novel feel. The second one has a simple "pop-up" mechanism which changes the image in view inside the tunnel between the hero getting mugged and fighting off his attacker. I intended to include more "pop-up" features but I thought the extra room needed for the mechanisms meant that I couldn't be as creative with the backgrounds and layers.
I like these a lot! I think the choice to go greyscale worked out :)